Friday, October 3, 2008

Awwww Yeah (May 20, 2007)

This weekend has been incredible! I decided that I really needed to attend some conferences and hear some speakers this weekend. It is so easy to get into a routine with my relationship with God and before long it becomes stale and repetitive rather than full of life and breathing. It is not because God is boring or being a Christian is mundane. It is because as God used John Bevere to so aptly state in his book Drawing Near :"You determin the level of your relationship with God". When things become humdrum it is because I have lost my hunger and have become more of a Martha than a Mary (Luke 10: 38-42). I labor labor labor because I adore serving Christ (as do many others) and often forget to just get before the Father and spend time in adoration. Study time is different than adoration time. There is such an intimacy in adoration. I forget the awe and wonder of Him sometimes. I can have amazing experiences and really see Him move...but if I dont make an effort to get past where I am...a real effort...I remain in one place when I should be growing. I'm not satisfied with doing a devotional, some praying, and singing worship songs. I hunger for something more.

All along I've know that works don't get one into Heaven. There is no way to EVER physically repay what Jesus did on the Cross. But the teaching I have received has been so phenomenal this weekend it reminded me how much I love God's Word and how much I love just hanging out with Jesus. It challenged me to go deeper than what my immediate circumstances require. It also challenged me to assess where I am in my walk with Christ and make some practical decisions that will help me go deeper.

It should NEVER take a revival, a conference, or a guest speaker to get one excited about Jesus in new ways. But, these opportunities are meant to encourage, edify, and challenge. They mean nothing unless you do something with what you've learned.

I believe that no matter what level we are at with Christ we can ALWAYS go higher.

Friday and Saturday were Chuck Pierce, Greg Haslan, Wellington Boone, and Dutch Sheets at Bethel Temple. Sunday was Pastor Dave at my home church and John Bevere for evening service at the Wave in Virginia Beach. My mind is still spinning and trying to absorb everything but I took lots of notes and here are my favorite highlights thus far as I've reviewed:

Those who believe obey...John Bever (JB)

If He loved you enough to die for you He loves you enough to take care of you...JB

Few will pay the price to rid themselves of entaglements (earthly securities, relationships, traditions) to do His work and fulfill their destiny....JB

Out of millions of people in Moses' ministry only 2 fulfilled their destiny (Caleb and Joshua). As the Word says "Many are called few are chosen"..JB

Thousands of people claimed they wanted to follow Him but when Jesus ascended only 120 people where in the upper room....JB

If you dont seek God earnestly you will not fulfill your destiny (Hebrews 11:6)...JB

I am so tired of believers existing. We were created to live...JB

What we do with the Cross determines WHERE we will spend eternity. But, the way we live as believer's determins HOW we will spend eternity....JB

Your God given destiny was created before you were born....JB

If you wont obey authority on earth then you wont obey it in Heaven...Tinker

Total commitment takes sacrifice....Pastor Dave

Disobedience delays what God is trying to do...Pastor Dave

Revival =A people saturated by God...Greg Haslen

While Christians have been asleep the enemy has been at work...G H

Church isnt just for goosebumps and feelgoods. It is to empower us to walk out our faith and lead others to the saving grace of Christ ....GH

There is nothing secular except sin...GH

There is no such thing as neutrality. You're either for God or against Him...GH

Hope deferred causes 3 things:

Poverty: Says God is not able

Infirmity: Says I am too weak to stand

Religion (religiosity...not referring to relationship with Christ): Says I don't want to try anything new....Chuck Pierce

What you dont do by revelation you go through by tribulation...Wellington Boone

You need to know HIS will not your needs before you pray....WB

How can you allow those who arent of God to lead you?...WB

God isnt gonna let His son marry a bride that is beneath Him...WB

The blood of Jesus reaches back as well as forward. He literally heals history...Dutch Sheets

I dont see exactly what He's gonna do tomorrow but I stand on the promises of yesterday....DS

He wrote revelation before He wrote Genesis...DS

Father...I dont want to be a hypocrit or as my MYSPACE friend DW Kraus says a phony. I truly want to grow and be more effective for You. I long for a life of humility void of pride, a life of contentment regardless of the situation, and a level of authenticity that honors You. But, I can't get there at my current level. I want to go deeper. I pray that these words do not fall to the ground. I pray every last quote or truth that touched me finds it's way into my heart permanently. And Lord if anyone else can relate...I pray the same for them. May I never be satisfied with status quo Christianity. May your love pour out of me and onto others.

In Jesus' Mighty name


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