Friday, October 3, 2008

This Weekend (January 14, 2008)

I am only writing this blog because my laptop broke (blue screen of death) and I have been without a means to reach most people all weekend. Nothing terribly profound will result from this blog (that is being a wee bit presumptuous that anything profound ever did). It is merely a way to catch people up.

Note: I have also been without IM. My apologies to Stacie, Cory, Chrissy, Ricky, and [M] but I really had no way of letting you know. Love you all. The lappy is in the shop and we are praying for full recovery. Note to self: No more Dell's. HP all the way.

This weekend was lovely, relaxing and busy all at once. In the span of 48 hours I managed to:

A) Become a Godmother to the incredibly beautiful and perfect Gabriel Logan Hayes! I didnt want to stop holding him. He is just this awesome miracle and I just love him. I have been waiting to hold him for 9 months and I can't believe he's here. My Pastor Tinker says I need to get married and have some of my own...but she has yet to introduce me to any courting prospects. LOL.

B) Visit my dear friends Michael and Robert in Richmond (My Shawn Shawn had to work...sadface) and watch the WORST movie on the entire planet. I shant even speak the name because it doesnt even deserve to be mentioned. The fact that it was followed by "Xanadu" starring Olivia Newton John didnt even give me comfort. We hung out and vegged out on healthy food (go figure) and laughed much. We also hit my favorite store Plan9. Thanks fellas. I needed that. Sure coulda done without the cat pee though.

C) Meet an INCREDIBLE 85 year old woman who was a professor of German at William & Mary. If you ever have a chance to sit and listen to history told through the eyes of someone who lived it...and remembers it all with clarity, wit, and it. I learned so much.

D) Re-connect with an old friend over organic poptarts. She even introduced me to a Manga (sp?) and let me borrow one. We discovered we have much in common and we had a lovely time catching up. It reminds me why I love "real life" rather than the internet.

E) Discovered that my step-daughter is enamored of a young man and vice versa. This is new territory for us...and quite frankly is a bit un-nerving. I am trying to wrap my mind around this. Wasn't she just 5 last year and now she is 16 and 'in like' with some boy? UGH. She is an amazing girl though so I am super duper blessed to have her in my life. The girl is so talented too. I pray she sees her potential and her attributes through God's eyes.

F) Attend church twice. I was reminded how freeing repentance really is, experienced a new Spiritual Gift I didnt know I had for the first time, been convicted by the Holy Spirit to press in and stop taking Him for granted, and while in prayer for something totally different was given the topic for this year's Ladies' Retreat. Thank you God for your enduring faithfulness and mercy.

I pray that all of you had incredible weekends. I for one am reminded how much love I have in my life. I am blessed.

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