Friday, October 3, 2008

Tonight's Sermon (November 30, 2006 )

For a change I think I will try not to be too long winded. I just have to be honest and say that God is working on my heart. I realized through Tinker's sermon tonight that I am critical and judgmental of my fellow Christian because I have taken it upon myself to "save" people in the past rather than just be an example in the way I live, use the Word of God to correct, and love. I have tried in my own power to show people the love of Christ and end up bitter and jaded in the end.

So what was my real intent? To be like Jesus...loving the unloveable, being transparent in my own faults, and ALWAYS pointing people to God the Father. But sometimes it gets lost in translation when I try to do it in my own power.

So, what did I learn tonight above all? I sometimes forget that still small voice the Bible talks about in 1 Kings Chapt 18 forward. I forget to take the plank out of my own eye and admit my faults. I forget that I am only human and can only love. I forget that I need that quiet time (not just devotionals and worship) to truly hear Him.

A year ago God had to take some drastic measures at a revival to get me to hear Him. Now, He is just gently reminding me that I am enough and that His grace should extend through me to others.

Praise God He takes us from glory to glory. He is sure enough NOT done with me yet. I'm not where I want to be but praise God I'm not where I was.

So, my prayer...God remove the critical eye I can sometimes have on my fellow Christian and allow me to see them the way you see them. Give me grace and allow me to see my own faults. In Jesus' name.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you".

Ephesians 4:32

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