Friday, October 3, 2008

A Divine Appointment (November 15, 2006)

So, last night I went to an amazing secular concert. Amazing because the musicians were innovative and their God given (whether they recognize that or not) talent was astounding. Amazing because in a world of filth and trash these musicians had something to say and they didn't have to use F bombs and debauchery to accomplish it. And, amazing because in the midst of the chaos in the Norva last night...God spoke to me.

He gave me a word for the opening act and I had no choice but to be obedient. I began to pray as soon as I knew He was calling me...making sure I was humble and contrite. I confessed and repented of any sins I had committed and I approached this stranger at his MERCH table and shared the love of Christ with him. I gave him scripture and I was very specific in how I would pray. I promised him I would continue to pray for him...and I will follow through. He was EXTREMELY receptive and encouraged and even said "I really needed to hear that right now". He admitted that it was hard staying encouraged in Christ on the road. Here was a young man who grew up with the Word who moved from the states to England where he lives now. And God used someone to speak encouragement over him in the most unlikely of places.

So, for all of those people waiting around for God to give you the "perfect" time, the "perfect" place, the "perfect" situation, and the "perfect" words to minister to someone......stop waiting. He may be trying to use you right where you are. Right where you least expect it. And right when that person needs to hear it the most. Regardless what your comfort level is. Trust me… I wasn't feeling overly bold when I approached him. Each time I approach strangers with trepidation and fear...but my desire to obey a God that won't let me down far outweighs my fear and self-doubt in my own abilities to convey Christ's love properly. God gave me the words and the Scripture and all I had to do was open my mouth. As long as you are empowered by the Holy Spirit there is ALWAYS someone you can minister to.

Why am I sharing this? Not because I want kudos or "way to go Tanya's" but because we ALL need to remember (including me) that it isn't always about us and our desires. There is a hurting world out there and as we sit in the pews every Sunday soaking up His Word we need to share it with others. We continuously take and receive the benefits of Christendom but we rarely reach out. We join groups, take leadership and discipleship classes and then we do nothing with what we have learned.

I may have gotten more out of this experience then he did. I learned that in the middle of any situation...I can be used. I learned that I really do need to be "ready in and out of season" because I never know when God will call me to give an account for what I believe.

Love someone out of your circle of friends. Speak encouragement to someone who has different beliefs, orientations, or lifestyles than you. If you don't speak to that person...who will? We all have a sphere of influence and a testimony. The world will reach out to whoever we don't...and the world's voice is loud. How loud is your voice?

Hope this speaks to someone. Be blessed.

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