Friday, October 3, 2008

Gone, Gone, Gone...It's all Gone (December 10, 2006)

Gone, Gone, Gone it's ALL GONE...

If you know anything at all about me you know that music is like breath or water for me...a necessity. The current song on my profile is related to my last blog on many levels. Funny I didnt stop to listen to it that night. I also think it's cool that the lyric I highlighted in red below is so fitting today. Yesterday is so gone. Thank you Jesus for your faithfullness. As long as I keep my eyes on You I can weather any storm. The circumstances are still there...but the peace, joy, contentment, and the fire You afford me is...awe inspiring. The view on the way up this mountaintop is breath-taking!

NOTE: I know we are always joking about how Kirk Franklin talks in all of his songs while his very talented singers do all the work. But, I can tell you that what ministered to me most (besides the simplistic piano part which I love) was Kirk's talking at the end. I know. I know! Give a listen and even if this isnt your usual musical style you will still be ministered to in some way cause this song is anointed. Thanks again Kristen for bringing it to my attention.

Imagine Me

Imagine me loving what I see when the mirror looks at me cause I

I imagine me in a place, of no insecurities and I'm finally happy cause I...

I imagine me letting go of all of the ones who hurt me cause they never did deserve me,

Can you imagine me saying no to thoughts that try to control me, remembering all you told me,

Lord, can you imagine me over what my momma said and healed from what my daddy did and I wanna live and not read that page again.

Imagine me, being free, trusting You totally, finally I can imagine me,

I admit it was hard to see You being in love with someone like me, finally I can imagine me.

Imagine me being strong and not letting people break me down, you won't get that joy this time around.

Can you imagine me in a world, where nobody has to live afraid, because of Your love, fear's gone away,

Can you imagine me letting go of my past and glad I have another chance and not hard to dance cause I don't have to read that page again.

(Repeat Chorus 2x's)

Kirk talks:
This song is dedicated to people like me, those that struggle with insecurities, acceptance and even self-esteem. You never felt good enough. You never felt pretty enough. But imagine God whispering in your ear letting you know that everything that has happened is now.

Gone, Gone, Gone,

Its' Gone, All Gone

Kirk's remarks
Oh It's All Gone. Every Sin, Every Mistake, Every Failure Its' All Gone!
Depression Gone By Faith It's Gone
Low Self Esteem, Halleluiah Its Gone, All Gone,
It's Gone All My Scars All My Pain It's In The Past , Its' Yesterday Its' All Gone Can't Believe Its' Gone) What Your Mother Did, What your Father Did, Halleluiah (Its' Gone All Gone)

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