Friday, October 3, 2008

Crazy Day (January 10, 2007)

I have no idea why I'm still up. I got up at 5:30 this morning, walked my dog, fed my roommates cat, and left the house at 6:00am to make it to campus to work out.

It took me an hour to make it to campus. I love our troops but Lord have mercy there were a lot of them in the tunnel this morning. The gym was jam packed (who knew other crazy people would voluntarily be up that early)? I parked in the parking garage I affectionatly term "purgatory"...aptly named because if you park in this garage you have to cross 8 lanes of traffic and play a dangerous game of Frogger with your life to get to the actual campus. I HATE parking there...but it was close to the gym. I managed to wipe the sleep from my eyes and trudge through a work out. When I finished I walked into the door marked "Ladies" (I'm still trying to figure out why I felt the need to clarify that) and to my chagrin discovered there were no showers. No showers on a bajillion dollar campus with at least 4 gyms? No showers when I had a meeting set up with my Professor and I was a hot mess? In my mimi-panic I texted my amazingly gracious friend Courtney who lives on campus and she let me come use her shower. You rock Court.

So, I go to walk across "Frogger Alley" and I see a dear friend at the stop light. What are the odds that I would see him there out of the thousands of commuting students? So, I excitedly wave and smile. And he stares at me like "I wish this chic would leave me alone". So what do I do? Wave more. In fact I stand there so long the "walking guy" replaces the red "stop" hand and people around me begin to walk while I stand there like a dumbstruck idiot. He gives a half hearted wave and I feel like I am walking through a Kafka novel where I'm a big bug and my friends want to squish me. Boy did I need coffee...either that or I could just become Emo and build on my maudlin thoughts. Nevermind. I hate tight jeans and bad poetry...but dark colors are very slimming on me. I friend was probably just as exhausted as I was...or I am just a big ole bug in need of squishing. Naw.

I arrived at the meeting and my Professor tells me he has to reschedule. Long story short I end up crossing "Frogger Alley" 6 times in two hours running school errands. Talk about a workout! I got more exercise today then all of 2006 combined. Sad but true.

I headed to work in Yorktown after that and after working a full day headed back to class.

So...I'll get to the point of this blog. I found out a class I need to graduate is impossible to add. You would think I would be in a panic seeing as how all of my plans for Africa hinge on me graduating on time(May 2007). But, I have such a peace that God is in control. I know it will work out and I trust Him. This "letting go" thing is rough...but this moment certainly feels amazing.

Thank you God for perfect peace in a storm.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight."

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