Friday, October 3, 2008

New Years Eve (December 31, 2006)

Amanda "AC" Stone rocked my socks off (see photos below). She was hilarious, generous, wise, patient, caring, creative, and loving. When she sang...oh man I still remember her voice. She could bring tears to your eyes with her worship. I met her at a Christian Coffee Bar in Newport News called Shadrachs. She was on stage introducing bands with her regular wit and charm. She walked off stage and served me coffee with the most amazing smile I have ever seen. She instantly put me at ease.
To know her was to know that she adored God. She loved children. She loved her family. She loved her friends. She loved to laugh and make others laugh. She loved music. She loved life.
AC was killed by a drunk drive a few years ago. I never thought I would be one of those people to say that I was affected by drunk driving. That was something you saw on commericals that made you cry. But to this day I think of her OFTEN and pray for her family and friends still suffering from the loss.

AC lived after the accident and was conscious before she passed. One of the first things she wanted to know when she woke up was were the people who hit her ok. They hit her on her way home. They were driving the wrong way on an exit ramp. She had no time or space to get out of the way and she was hit head on. She had more concern for them than for herself. That is the kind of person she was.

I have no idea what any of my friends REALLY do in their personal life. I am not the moral police or a personal Holy Spirit. I am also not nieve enough to think that people that I love in my life always act responsibly. All I can say is no one should have to experience what AC's family and friends went through...and still go through.
I dont drink for several reasons. I am a leader and I dont want to cause someone to stumble. My father was an alcoholic and I saw how that affects families. I could go on and on. But, I am not writing this blog to condemn drinking. I am condemning senseless drinking and driving because I mourn the loss of an amazing woman and I dont want to lose anymore friends.

Please dont drink and drive.

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May God keep each and every one of you safe tonight.
God bless

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